Glossary with audio assistance
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A |
Absorption | |
Acid/base balancemaintenance of the normal pH within the body systems | |
Acromegalyexcess growth of bones after the epiphyses have closed, caused by excess secretion of growth hormone | |
Actina contractile protein found in muscle fibres | |
Active transportthe movement of molecules or ions through transport proteins across a cell membrane, against their concentration gradient. The process requires energy from ATP | |
Acutea disease that has a rapid onset, short duration and pronounced clinical signs | |
Ad libitum feedingfeeding performed with freedom. Sometimes called free-choice or Ad lib | |
Addison's diseasedisease caused by insufficient adrenocortical hormones; hypoadrenocorticism | |
Additivea substance purposely put into food to give a desirable characteristic (e.g. color, flavor, texture, resistance to spoilage etc) | |
Adipose tissue | |