Friday, 20 September 2024, 11:16 PM
Site: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses
Course: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses (VetLogic)
Glossary: Glossary with audio assistance

Respiratory acidosis

a decrease in pH of blood, ECF and CSF, due to hypoventilation and accumulation of hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide

Respiratory alkalosis

an increase in pH of blood, ECF and CSF, due to hyperventilation and loss of hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide

Respiratory rate

the number of breaths in one minute

Respiratory tract

the conducting pathway of air in and out of the body, from the nose to the pulmonary alveoli

Rhythmic segmentation

muscular contractions which break up and mix the food within the gastro-intestinal tract. These movements do not push the food along the tract.


cellular organelle that is the site of protein synthesis


abnormal ossification during growth due to a deficiency of vitamin D


A micro-organism that requires other cells for growth but which uses oxygen and possesses a cell wall

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

system of membrane-bound tubes and sacs containing ribosomes that functions in the synthesis of proteins


animal in which the stomach is multi-chambered, the largest chamber of which is the rumen