Sunday, 19 May 2024, 9:12 AM
Site: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses
Course: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses (VetLogic)
Glossary: Glossary with audio assistance

Nuclear envelope

the double membrane surrounding the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. It separates the contents of the nucleus (DNA in particular) from the rest of the cell.

Nuclear pores

small gaps in the nuclear envelope which allows passage of materials in and out of the nucleus

Nucleic acid

large molecules composed of smaller units of nucleotides; includes both RNA and DNA


small structure inside the nucleus of a cell, where ribosomes are manufactured


any of a group of molecules that link together to form the basic structural unit of DNA and RNA


1. collection of nerve cell bodies within the central nervous system. 2. a membrane-bound organelle, found in all eukaryotic cells, which contains most of the cell's genetic material. 3. the positively charged centre of an atom.


functional foodstuff, including fortified food and dietary supplements, that may have health benefits


a component of food with a metabolically useful function


rapid involuntary movement of the eyes, either in a horizontal or vertical direction