Saturday, 18 May 2024, 3:56 PM
Site: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses
Course: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses (VetLogic)
Glossary: Glossary with audio assistance

Back cross to recessive

identification of the recessive carrier can be done by a test mating with a known homozygous recessive animal. This will determine if the other animal is carrying a recessive gene. If they are carrying a recessive gene, then a percentage of the animals show the recessive characteristic. If they are not a recessive carrier then the recessive characteristic will not appear. We will use the Labrador as an example at the end of the glossary.

Back scatter

scattered radiation which travels in the opposite direction to the primary beam


the presence of bacteria in the blood


prokaryotic single-celled organism. Ranges in size from 0.3µm-10 µm


an agent that kills bacteria


prevents bacteria from multiplying but does not kill them

Barrier nursing

utilisation of protective clothing and isolation to prevent transmission of disease from hospitalised animals


type of granular white blood cell


pertaining to the bile duct


yellow green bile pigment which results from the breakdown of red blood cells


the presence of bilirubin in the urine

Binary fission

the replication of bacteria

Biological vectors

the organism undergoes part of its lifecycle inside the host

Blood brain barrier

a semipermeable membrane that keeps circulating blood separate from cerebrospinal fluid and the brain

Blood plasma

fluid surrounding the blood cells and transported by the blood-vascular system


a ball of chewed food bound together with saliva that is formed in the mouth by the action of the tongue


having a short, broad skull, e.g. boxers, bulldogs, pugs, Persian cats, lionhead rabbits. These animals tend to have overlong soft palates, excessive soft tissue in their oral cavity and pharynx, smaller tracheal diameters than expected, and narrow nares.


a slower than normal heart rate


a slower than normal respiratory rate



a substance which is able to resist change in the pH of a solution so that the pH remains constant

Buffer solution

a solution which will maintain body pH due to the release or absorption of hydrogen ions to balance any loss or gain. Carbon dioxide only partially dissolves in solution, and this means that it can act as a buffer. If more hydrogen is present then it will be combined with bicarbonate and converted to water and carbon dioxide. Water will be lost through the kidneys and carbon dioxide will be lost in exhaled air. Alternatively, if metabolic alkalosis is present, then carbon dioxide will be combined with water and converted to bicarbonate and hydrogen ions, to maintain the pH.