Saturday, 18 May 2024, 8:39 PM
Site: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses
Course: VetLogic - E Learning and training for Vet Nurses (VetLogic)
Glossary: Glossary with audio assistance


the clarity of structures on a radiograph

Shift to the left

increased numbers of immature white blood cells circulating in the blood


cavity within a bone or other tissue; paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities in the bones of the face

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

system of membrane-bound tubes and sacs that is involved in the synthesis of lipids

Smooth muscle

muscle tissue with no striations that is not under voluntary control


a substance is dissolved in another


the ionic component of an electrolyte


the liquid component of an electrolyte

Somatic cells

the classification of every cell in the body except for the germ (reproductive) cells

Somatic damage

damage to the tissues caused by X-rays which becomes apparent during the individual's lifetime